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Sort an array
ASORT(<aTarget>, [<nStart>],
[<nCount>], [<bOrder>]) --> aTarget
<aTarget> is the array to be sorted.
<nStart> is the first element of the sort. If not specified, the
default starting position is one.
<nCount> is the number of elements to be sorted. If not specified,
all elements in the array beginning with the starting element are
<bOrder> is an optional code block used to determine sorting order.
If not specified, the default order is ascending.
ASORT() returns a reference to the <aTarget> array.
ASORT() is an array function that sorts all or part of an array
containing elements of a single data type. Data types that can be
sorted include character, date, logical, and numeric.
If the <bOrder> argument is not specified, the default order is
ascending. Elements with low values are sorted toward the top of the
array (first element), while elements with high values are sorted toward
the bottom of the array (last element).
If the <bOrder> block argument is specified, it is used to determine the
sorting order. Each time the block is evaluated, two elements from the
target array are passed as block parameters. The block must return true
(.T.) if the elements are in sorted order. This facility can be used to
create a descending or dictionary order sort. See the examples below.
When sorted, character strings are ordered in ASCII sequence; logical
values are sorted with false (.F.) as the low value; date values are
sorted chronologically; and numeric values are sorted by magnitude.
. ASORT() is only guaranteed to produce sorted output (as
defined by the block), not to preserve any existing natural order in
the process.
. Because CA-Clipper implements multidimensional arrays by
nesting subarrays within other arrays, ASORT() will not directly sort
a multidimensional array. To sort a nested array, you must supply a
code block which properly handles the subarrays.
. This example creates an array of five unsorted elements, sorts
the array in ascending order, then sorts the array in descending
order using a code block:
aArray := { 3, 5, 1, 2, 4 }
// Result: { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
ASORT(aArray,,, { |x, y| x > y })
// Result: { 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 }
. This example sorts an array of character strings in ascending
order, independent of case. It does this by using a code block that
converts the elements to uppercase before they are compared:
aArray := { "Fred", Kate", "ALVIN", "friend" }
ASORT(aArray,,, { |x, y| UPPER(x) < UPPER(y) })
. This example sorts a nested array using the second element of
each subarray:
aKids := { {"Mary", 14}, {"Joe", 23}, {"Art", 16} }
aSortKids := ASORT(aKids,,, { |x, y| x[2] < y[2] })
{ {"Mary", 14}, {"Art", 16}, {"Joe", 23} }
Files Library is EXTEND.LIB.
See Also:
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Written by Dave Pearson