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Grow or shrink an array
ASIZE(<aTarget>, <nLength>) --> aTarget
<aTarget> is the array to grow or shrink.
<nLength> is the new size of the array.
ASIZE() returns a reference to the target array, <aTarget>.
ASIZE() is an array function that changes the actual length of the
<aTarget> array. The array is shortened or lengthened to match the
specified length. If the array is shortened, elements at the end of the
array are lost. If the array is lengthened, new elements are added to
the end of the array and assigned NIL.
ASIZE() is similar to AADD() which adds a single new element to the end
of an array and optionally assigns a new value at the same time. Note
that ASIZE() is different from AINS() and ADEL(), which do not actually
change the array's length.
Note: ASIZE() only supports single-dimensional arrays.
. These examples demonstrate adding new elements and deleting
existing elements:
aArray := { 1 } // Result: aArray is { 1 }
ASIZE(aArray, 3) // Result: aArray is { 1, NIL, NIL }
ASIZE(aArray, 1) // Result: aArray is { 1 }
Files Library is CLIPPER.LIB.
See Also:
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Written by Dave Pearson