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Copy to a database (.dbf) file in sorted order
SORT TO <xcDatabase> ON <idField1> [/[A | D][C]]
[, <idField2> [/[A | D][C]]...]
[<scope>] [WHILE <lCondition>] [FOR <lCondition>]
TO <xcDatabase> is the name of the target file for the sorted
records and can be specified either as a literal file name or as a
character expression enclosed in parentheses. Unless otherwise
specified, the new file is assigned a (.dbf) extension.
ON <idField> is the sort key and must be a field variable.
/[A|D][C] specifies how <xcDatabase> is to be sorted. /A sorts in
ascending order. /D sorts in descending order. /C sorts in dictionary
order by ignoring the case of the specified character field. The
default SORT order is ascending.
<scope> is the portion of the current database file to SORT. The
default is ALL records.
WHILE <lCondition> specifies the set of records meeting the
condition from the current record until the condition fails.
FOR <lCondition> specifies the conditional set of records to SORT
within the given scope.
SORT is a database command that copies records from the current work
area to another database file in sorted order. CA-Clipper SORTs
character fields in accordance with the ASCII value of each character
within the string unless the /C option is specified. This option causes
the database file to be sorted in dictionary order--capitalization is
ignored. Numeric fields are sorted in numeric order, date fields are
sorted chronologically, and logical fields are sorted with true (.T.) as
the high value. Memo fields cannot be sorted.
SORT performs as much of its operation as possible in memory, and then,
it spools to a uniquely named temporary disk file. This temporary file
can be as large as the size of the source database file. Note also that
a SORT uses up three file handles: the source database file, the target
database file, and the temporary file.
In a network environment, you must lock the database file to be SORTed
with FLOCK() or USE it EXCLUSIVEly.
. Deleted source records: If DELETED is OFF, SORT copies deleted
records to the target database file; however, the deleted records do
not retain their deleted status. No record is marked for deletion in
the target file regardless of its status in the source file.
If DELETED is ON, deleted records are not copied to the target
database file. Similarly, filtered records are ignored during a SORT
and are not included in the target file.
. This example copies a sorted subset of a mailing list to a
smaller list for printing:
USE Mailing INDEX Zip
SEEK "900"
SORT ON LastName, FirstName TO Invite WHILE Zip = "900"
USE Invite NEW
Files Library is CLIPPER.LIB.
See Also:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson