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 Class Declaration Commands

 CLASS MESSAGE...IS         Define alternate name for inherited class message
 CLASS MESSAGE...[IS...] TO Forward class message to class variable
 CLASS MESSAGE...METHOD     Declare class message and corresponding method
 CLASS METHOD               Declare class method(s)
 CLASS VAR                  Declare class variable(s)
 CLASS VAR...IS             Define alternate name for inherited class variable
 CLASS VAR...[IS...] TO     Forward class variable access and assign messages
 CREATE CLASS               Begin a class specification
 END CLASS                  End a class specification
 EXPORT:                    Cause subsequent messages to be exported
 HIDDEN:                    Cause subsequent messages to be hidden
 MESSAGE...IS               Define alternate name for inherited message
 MESSAGE...[IS...] IN       Control multiply inherited messages
 MESSAGE...[IS...] TO       Forward message to variable
 MESSAGE...METHOD           Declare message and corresponding method
 METHOD (declaration)       Declare method(s) with same named message(s)
 PROTECTED:                 Cause subsequent messages to be protected
 VAR                        Declare instance variable(s)
 VAR...IS                   Define alternate name for inherited variable
 VAR...[IS...] IN           Control multiply inherited variables
 VAR...[IS...] TO           Forward variable's messages (assign and access)
 VISIBLE:                   Cause subsequent messages to be exported

 Method Definition Commands

 METHOD (definition)        Begin definition of a method
 self                       Reference to current object in methods
 ::                         Send message to self
 @:                         Invoke method in same class w/o message send

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson