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Suspend program processing until a key is pressed
WAIT [<expPrompt>] [TO <idVar>]
<expPrompt> is an expression of any data type displayed as a prompt.
If no <expPrompt> is specified, the default prompt displayed is: "Press
any key to continue..."
TO <idVar> is the variable, of any storage class, that holds the
value of the key pressed as a character value. If <idVar> does not
exist or is not visible, it is created as a private variable and then
assigned the character value.
WAIT is a console command and wait state that displays a prompt after
sending a carriage return/line feed to the screen. It then waits for
the user to press a key. If the TO clause is specified, <idVar> is
assigned the keystroke as a character value. If an Alt or Ctrl key is
pressed, WAIT assigns CHR(0) to <idVar>. Non-alphanumeric values
entered by pressing an Alt-keypad combination assign the specified
character. If the character can be displayed, it is echoed to the
screen. Function keys are ignored unless assigned with SET FUNCTION or
WAIT is a compatibility command and, therefore, is not recommended for
general usage. It is superseded by both @...GET/READ and INKEY() for
getting single character input.
. WAITing without a prompt: To pause execution without
displaying a prompt, specify WAIT, null string (""), or INKEY(0).
The latter is recommended since it does not disturb the current
screen cursor position.
. This example illustrates how to store the WAIT keystroke as an
array element:
aVar := ARRAY(6)
WAIT "Press a key..." TO aVar[1]
? aVar[1] // Result: key pressed in
// response to WAIT
? aVar[2] // Result: NIL
? VALTYPE(aVar) // Result: A
? VALTYPE(aVar[1]) // Result: C
Files Library is CLIPPER.LIB.
See Also:
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Written by Dave Pearson