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Write a list of values to the standard output device
OUTSTD(<exp list>) --> NIL
<exp list> is a list of values to display and can consist of any
combination of data types including memo.
OUTSTD() always returns NIL.
OUTSTD() is a simple output function similar to QOUT() except that it
writes to the STDOUT device (instead of to the CA-Clipper console output
stream). Programs with very simple output requirements (i.e., that
perform no full-screen input or output) can use this function to avoid
loading the terminal output subsystems. The header file Simplio.ch
redefines the ? and ?? commands to use the OUTSTD() function.
Since OUTSTD() sends its output to the standard output device, the
output can be redirected using the DOS redirection symbols (>, >, |).
This lets you redirect output from a CA-Clipper program to a file or
pipe. Refer to your PC/MS-DOS documentation for more information about
this operating system facility.
. This example uses OUTSTD() to display a list of expressions:
OUTSTD(Name, PADR(RTRIM(City) + "," + ;
State, 20), ZipCode)
. This example redirects the output of a CA-Clipper program to a
new file using the DOS redirection operator (>):
Files Library is CLIPPER.LIB, header file is Simplio.ch.
See Also:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson