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 Count the number of lines in a character string or memo field

     MLCOUNT(<cString>, [<nLineLength>],
        [<nTabSize>], [<lWrap>]) --> nLines


     <cString> is the character string or memo field to be counted.

     <nLineLength> specifies the number of characters per line and can
     range from four to 254.  If not specified, the default line length is

     <nTabSize> defines the tab size.  If not specified, the default
     value is four.  If <nTabSize> is greater than or equal to <nLineLength>,
     then the tab size is automatically converted to <nLineLength> - 1.

     <lWrap> toggles word wrap on and off.  Specifying true (.T.) toggles
     word wrap on; false (.F.) toggles it off.  If not specified, the default
     value is true (.T.).


     MLCOUNT() returns the number of lines in <cString> depending on the
     <nLineLength>, the <nTabSize>, and whether word wrapping is on or off.


     MLCOUNT() is a memo function used with MEMOLINE() to print character
     strings and memo fields based on the number of characters per line.  In
     the basic operation, use MLCOUNT() to return the number of lines in the
     character string or memo field.  Then, using MEMOLINE() to extract each
     line, loop through the memo field until there are no lines left.

     If <lWrap> is true (.T.) and an end of line position breaks a word, it
     is word wrapped to the next line and the next line begins with that
     word.  If <lWrap> is false (.F.), MLCOUNT() counts the number of
     characters specified by <nLineLength> as the current line.  The next
     line begins with the character following the next hard or soft carriage
     return.  Intervening characters are ignored.


     .  This example displays the contents of each Notes memo field in
        the Sales database file, one line at a time:

        USE Sales NEW
        nLineLength = 65
        DO WHILE !EOF()
           nLines = MLCOUNT(Sales->Notes, nLineLength)
           FOR nCurrLine = 1 TO nLines

              ? MEMOLINE(Sales->Notes, nLineLength, nCurrLine)

 Files   Library is EXTEND.LIB.

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