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Evaluate a code block for each record matching a scope and condition
[<lRest>]) --> NIL
<bBlock> is a code block to execute for each record processed.
<bForCondition> is an optional condition specified as a code block
that is evaluated for each record in the scope. It provides the same
functionality as the FOR clause of record processing commands.
<bWhileCondition> is an optional condition specified as a code block
that is evaluated for each record from the current record until the
condition returns false (.F.). It provides the same functionality as
the WHILE clause of record processing commands.
<nNextRecords> is an optional number that specifies the number of
records to process starting with the current record. It is the same as
the NEXT clause.
<nRecord> is an optional record number to process. If this argument
is specified, <bBlock> will be evaluated for the specified record. This
argument is the same as the RECORD clause.
<lRest> is an optional logical value that determines whether the
scope of DBEVAL() is all records, or, starting with the current record,
all records to the end of file. This argument corresponds to the REST
and ALL clauses of record processing commands. If true (.T.) , the
scope is REST; otherwise, the scope is ALL records. If <lRest> is not
specified the scope defaults to ALL.
DBEVAL() always returns NIL.
DBEVAL() is a database function that evaluates a single block for each
record within the current work area that matches a specified scope
and/or condition. On each iteration, DBEVAL() evaluates the specified
block. All records within the scope or matching the condition are
processed until the end of file is reached.
By default, DBEVAL() operates on the currently selected work area. It
will operate on an unselected work area if you specify it as part of an
aliased expression.
DBEVAL() is similar to AEVAL() which applies a block to each element in
an array. Like AEVAL(), DBEVAL() can be used as a primitive for the
construction of user-defined commands that process database files. In
fact, many of the standard CA-Clipper database processing commands are
created using DBEVAL().
Refer to the Code Blocks section in the "Basic Concepts" chapter of the
Programming and Utilities Guide for more information on the syntax and
theory of code blocks; and refer also to the Database System section in
the same chapter for information on record scoping and conditions. Also
refer to the CA-Clipper standard header file, Std.ch, found in
\CLIP53\INCLUDE for examples of CA-Clipper database command definitions
that use DBEVAL().
. This example uses DBEVAL() to implement Count(), a user-
defined function that counts the number of records in a work area
matching a specified scope. The scope is passed as an array to
Count(). To make the example more interesting, there is a user-
defined command to create the scope array, thereby allowing you to
specify the scope in a familiar form. Additionally, there is a set
of manifest constants that define the attributes of the scope object.
// Scope command definition
#command CREATE SCOPE <aScope> [FOR <for>] ;
[WHILE <while>] [NEXT <next>] [RECORD <rec>] ;
[<rest:REST>] [ALL];
<aScope> := { <{for}>, <{while}>, <next>, ;
<rec>, <.rest.> }
// Scope attribute constants
#define FOR_COND 1
#define WHILE_COND 2
#define NEXT_SCOPE 3
#define REC_SCOPE 4
#define REST_SCOPE 5
// Create a scope and count records using it
LOCAL mySet, myCount
USE Customer NEW
CREATE SCOPE mySet FOR Customer = "Smith" WHILE ;
Zip > "90000"
myCount := Count( mySet )
FUNCTION Count( aScope )
LOCAL nCount := 0
DBEVAL( {|| nCount++},;
aScope[ FOR_COND ],;
aScope[ WHILE_COND ],;
aScope[ NEXT_SCOPE ],;
aScope[ REC_SCOPE ],;
aScope[ REST_SCOPE ];
Files Library is CLIPPER.LIB
See Also:
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Written by Dave Pearson