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Provide objects for browsing table-oriented data
A TBrowse object is a general purpose browsing mechanism for
table-oriented data. TBrowse objects provide a sophisticated
architecture for acquiring, formatting, and displaying data. Data
retrieval and file positioning are performed via user-supplied code
blocks, allowing a high degree of flexibility and interaction between
the browsing mechanism and the underlying data source. The format of
individual data items can be precisely controlled via the TBColumn data
retrieval code blocks; overall display formatting and attributes can be
controlled by sending appropriate messages to the TBrowse object.
Note: TBrowse has a memory limit of 200 fields.
A TBrowse object relies on one or more TBColumn objects. A TBColumn
object contains the information necessary to define a single column of
the browse table (see TBColumn class in this chapter).
During operation, a TBrowse object retrieves data by evaluating code
blocks. The data is organized into rows and columns and displayed
within a specified rectangular region of the screen. The TBrowse object
maintains an internal browse cursor. The data item on which the browse
cursor rests is displayed in a highlighted color. (The actual screen
cursor is also positioned to the first character of this data item.)
Initially, the browse cursor is placed on the data item at the top left
of the browse display. Messages can then be sent to the TBrowse object
to navigate the displayed data, causing the browse cursor to move.
These messages are normally sent in response to user keystrokes.
New data is automatically retrieved as required by navigation requests.
When navigation proceeds past the edge of the visible rectangle, rows or
columns beyond that edge are automatically brought into view. When new
rows are brought into view, the underlying data source is repositioned by
evaluating a code block.
Note: TBrowse objects do not clear the entire window before output
during redisplay operations. Part of the window may still be cleared
when data from the existing display is scrolled.
For fully operational examples of a TBrowse object, refer to
"Introduction to TBrowse" in the Programming and Utilities Guide and to
TbDemo.prg located in \CLIP53\SOURCE\SAMPLE.
See Also:
TBColumn class
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Written by Dave Pearson