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Declare and initialize local variables and arrays
LOCAL <identifier> [[:= <initializer>], ... ]
<identifier> is the name of a variable or array to declare local.
If the <identifier> is followed by square brackets ([ ]), it is created
as an array. If the <identifier> is an array, the syntax for specifying
the number of elements for each dimension can be array[<nElements>,
<nElements2>,...] or array[<nElements>][<nElements2>]... The maximum
number of elements per dimension is 4096. The maximum number of
dimensions per array is limited only by available memory.
<initializer> is the optional assignment of a value to a new local
variable. Array identifiers, however, cannot be given values with an
<initializer>. An <initializer> for a local variable consists of the
inline assignment operator (:=) followed by any valid CA-Clipper
expression including a literal array. If no explicit <initializer> is
specified, the variable is given an initial value of NIL. In the case
of an array, each element is NIL.
Note: The macro operator (&) cannot be used in a LOCAL declaration
LOCAL is a declaration statement that declares one or more variables or
arrays local to the current procedure or user-defined function, and must
occur before any executable statement including PRIVATE, PUBLIC, and
PARAMETERS. Local variable declarations hide all inherited private
variables and visible public variables with the same name. A LOCAL
statement, however, that declares a variable name which is already
declared causes a fatal compiler error and no object file (.OBJ) is
generated. This error can happen as a result of two declarations for
the same variable name in the same routine, or as the result of
redeclaring a variable with filewide scope. Declaration statements
include FIELD, MEMVAR, and STATIC.
Local variables are visible only within the current procedure or user-
defined function and, unlike private variables, are not visible within
invoked routines. Local variables are created automatically each time
the procedure in which they were declared begins executing. They
continue to exist and retain their values until the declaring procedure
or user-defined function returns control to the code that invoked it.
If a procedure or user-defined function is invoked recursively (calls
itself), each recursive activation creates a new set of local variables.
The initial value of local variables and array elements is NIL if not
explicitly initialized, either in the initializer list or by assignment.
The initializer expression can be any valid CA-Clipper expression,
including function calls. Note that an array declaration cannot have an
The maximum number of local variables in a program is limited only by
available memory. Arrays, however, assigned to a local variable are
still limited to 4096 elements per dimension.
For more information on variable declarations and scoping, refer to the
Variables section in the "Basic Concepts" chapter of the Programming and
Utilities Guide.
. Inspecting local variables within the debugger: To access
local variable names within the CA-Clipper DOS-level debugger, you
must compile program (.prg) files using the /B option so that local
variable information is included in the object file.
. Local parameters: Declare a list of local parameters as a part
of a FUNCTION or PROCEDURE declaration by enclosing the list of
parameters in parentheses following the <idFunction>:
FUNCTION <idFunction>(<idParam list>)
Declaration of local parameters supersedes creation of private
parameters with the PARAMETERS statement.
. Macro expressions: You cannot refer to local variables within
macro variables and expressions. If you refer to a local variable
within a macro variable, a private or public variable with the same
name will be referenced instead. If no such variable exists, a
runtime error will be generated.
. Memory files: Local variables cannot be SAVED to or RESTOREd
from memory (.mem) files.
. Type of a local variable: Since TYPE() uses the macro operator
(&) to evaluate its argument, it cannot be used to determine the type
of a local or static variable or an expression containing a local or
static variable reference. The VALTYPE() function provides this
facility. VALTYPE() evaluates its argument and returns the type of
the return value.
. This example declares two local arrays and two local
LOCAL aArray1[20, 10], aArray2[20][10], var1, var2
. This example declares two local variables with initializers.
The first is initialized to a date value and the second to a literal
LOCAL dWhen := DATE()
LOCAL aVegies := {"Tomato", "Chickadee", "Butterbean"}
See Also:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson